Client Exercises

Advanced balance series part 1

Advanced balance series part 2

Back and front squat

Backward lunge

Bent over row

Bridge Series

Advanced clam

Agility drill

Ankle eversion

Back extension kneeling

Back Extension Level 1

Back extension level 2

Back flexion

Back extension kneeling

Backward lunge

Band Pull Apart

Bent over row

Bent knee fall out+leg slide

Box drills


Bridge Series

Bridge with band

Bulgarian squat

Cat and Camel

Clock lunge

Complicated Sit up

Dynamic bear hug

Eccentric Abs

Eccentric elbow exercises

Eccentric Infraspinatus

Eccentric loading for Achilles tendon

Eccentric loading supraspinatous

Eccentric Supraspinatus

Exaggerated Heel Toe Walk

Foam rolling

Forward lunge

Forward step up

Full plank

Full push up

Full Shoulder Retraction

Full side plank

Gastroc Stretch


Glute PRess

Glute Stretch

Glute Stretch

Golf Warm up

Groin stretch

Hamstring Bridge

Hamstring Drop Catches

Hamstring Kicks

Hamstring stretch

Heel raises

Heel raises off step

Hip abduction standing

Hip adduction standing

Hip extension standing

Hip flexor stretch

Hip flexor stretch with arm overhead (increased stretch)

Hip roll

Inner range quad

Isometric adduction

Isometric ankle eversion

Isometric Hamstrings

Isometric Hip Flexion

Isometrics Patellar Tendon

Isometric shoulder abduction

Isometric shoulder rotation

Isometric Wrist Extension

IYW against wall

Knee rolling

Leg adduction

Leg Raise

Leg slides

Low back extension

Lumbar Rotation Stretch

Neck Stretch


One leg circle

Overhead shoulder rotation

Overhead throw

Patellar tendon eccentric loading

Pec stretch

Pelvic drop

Pelvic floor training

Pelvic tilting

Pigeon Stretch

Plank on knees

Plank with leg extension

Prone leg extension

Push up Swiss ball

Push up on knees

Quad stretch



Resisted Hip Flexion

Roll over prep

Running man

Running man - Advanced

Running Man Progression

Scapular rotation


Shell Stretch

Shoulder Capsule Stretch

Shoulder pulley

Shoulder retractions

Shoulder rotation

Shoulder Rotation for Swimmers

Shoulder scaption

Shoulder shrug

Shoulder Stick Exercises

Side Flexion all fours

Side Lying Shoulder Rotation

Side plank on knees

Side Squat

Side step up

Single Leg Bridge

Single leg squat

Single leg stance

Sleeper Stretch

Slump Glider

Soleus Heel Raise

Soleus stretch

Split Squat


Squat band walk

Squat jumps

Standing Drop Catch

Standing Hip Flexion

Standing Knee Flexion

Standing row

Standing shoulder retractions

Star balance

Static quads sitting

Step down


Straight leg raise

Superman all fours

Supported Shoulder External Rotation

Supported squat


Swiss ball roll out

T stretch

Tabletop legs + toe taps

The clam


The waltz

Thoracic extension

Ulnar Nerve Glide

Walking lunge

Wall push up

Wall slides+sits


X band walk